Filipino Pork Adobo

From : Pork Adobo w/oyster sauce

This is modified by adding potatoes and carrots and using kecap manis instead of oyster sauce. The Thai Black Soy A is a version of kecap that's less sweet than the Indonesian versions, and was recommended by the Pok-pok cookbook.

Serve with/over rice.


2 lbs pork shoulder or belly, cut into 1.5" pieces
1 onion chopped
6 cloves garlic, chopped
1 C vinegar (palm or rice)
¼ C soy sauce
¼ C Thai Black Soy A, kecap manis, oyster sauce, ...
2 bay leaves
½+ tsp peppercorns, crushed
1 C water
1 lb potatoes, cut into 1" pieces or so
2+ carrots, sliced
to taste salt


Brown pork. Add onions and garlic, cook until softened.

Add vinegar, boil 3-5 minutes to temper vinegar taste. Then add soy sauce and water, boil, skim any scum. Add bay and peppercorns.

Lower heat, cover, simmer until meat tender (2 hrs) Add potatoes and carrots after 1 hr.

Add kecap/oyster sauce. Reduce liquid. Add salt as necessary